Tuesday, April 19, 2005

week 10

Today was the last for this semester. Teacher told the class about the Virtual and mixed reality.
So what is virtual reality? Well, strictly-speaking, we're talking here about Computer-Generated Virtual Reality (CGVR, if you want to impress people). Your mind generates its own "virtual reality"—its own image of the world—all of the time. But, when we talk about VR, we usually mean the computerised version, which is simulated, interactive, three-dimensional, 360-degree reality in which you can "move around."
Mixed Reality is the merging of real world and virtual worlds to produce a new environment where physical and digital objects can co-exist and interact. Probably a specialisation of augmented reality.Journal Question 1:To what extent do you think Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality will be used in education in the future? Answer 1:Virtual Reality can be used to have field tours around the world having to be at the school only. Keen observation techniques could be taught that way. Virtually create different stages to make the student perform and hence any kind of knowledge can be given to the student.
Question 2:What advances need to happen for it to be used in schools?Answer 2:The equipment should be made easily available and cheap. Schools should be given special funds and professionals should be trained to help govern the technology at all the institutions.

Saturday, April 09, 2005


I must add before I begin that this lecture should have been delivered way ahead of many lectures as usability is a very important aspect in software development plan.Indeed it is important to understand our targeted audience before implementing usability to any software. A bad usability for a software can result for a failure and a good example of bad usability was when Macintosh introduced Mac computers in Japan for the first time when they didnt look after the needs of the targeted audience and hence even after a decade, were never successful.One such example of good usability MSN, why MSN is successful is because of their design which is suitable for different age groups and hence the targeted audience finds it easy to use and user friendly. That is why there are more users using this software rather then any other.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

week 7

This weeks topis was learning through play. i arrived in the class late so i missed the first bit of the lecture. lol

Children are taught through plays in different ways e.g games, plays and different such activities. Rubicca told us about the way computer games are being used for educational puposes. this lecture helped me a lot for my educational multimedia software.

Journal Question:To what extent do you think computer games will play a role in children's education in the future?
Answer: Computers are used in almost everywhere in daily life and children learn much from them. Computer games if made interesting are able to indulge an individual and hence if made educational can help to gain knowledge.
Games such as hang man are really helpful in enhancing an individual's vocabulary.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

week 6

The class started at sharp 0940Hrs, when Miss Rebecca took over the session.
She discussed CSCW (Computer Supported Collaborated Work) and CSCL (Computer Supported Collaborated Learning) its uses, advantages and disadvantages and how it is beneficial. I learnt how collaborative learning can be constructive and the in’s and out’s of how one can benefit wholesome from it.
Journal Question: have you ever used any CSCL technology? Reflect on your experience of using these and what could be done to increase their use?
Answer: Yes, I have experienced using CSCL technology lately which is WebCT at my university. During my previous semester when i did BIS 3000(Strategic Management and information Systems), this was my group project. As our group members could hardly get together on campus at one time, we used to email each other divided work, which had each others individual findings. Also, if we had a problem or if we needed to call a meeting, we emailed each other. Another example of CSCL could be Discussion boards on WebCT, but it seldom used by students.Personally speaking, I’m in favour of using Discussion boards, which are available to us on WebCT, but it has received luke worm response from the students. Like in this module, we’re supposed to keep a journal, students should be prompted to use these discussion boards and evaluated upon so that they benefit, learn from this technology and eventually adapt it in their daily usage.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

week 5

In this week’s session, Miss Rebecca discussed about Online learning, its resources, advantages and disadvantages and collaborative learning.
Along with learning at the university, I strongly believe that we should make use of some online resources. It’s a common practise in university students to make fruitful use of both resources to enable them to gather more in depth knowledge of their related subjects and surpass new height.

Journal Questions:
1. What do you like to learn online and why or why not? 2.How much do you currently take advantage of online resources to support studying? Answer 1: I prefer using online resources for my learning, rather over books; and I have my reasons for that. For start, online resources are far vast and superior to books. Secondly they’re conveniently available at your fingertips, right from the basic information down to most complex subjects.
I’m not against using printed material for gaining knowledge. But perhaps using online resources saves you a lot of time in searching, or energy for paying a visit to your local or university library. Also ‘a printed resource’ might be available to one reader at one time, while online resources are available for unlimited amount of readers.
Answer 2: Online resources give me flexibility and numerous options in my studies at the university. Like for each lecture, I can find their lecture slides online, and use them even later, for more detailed study, at any nearby computer. Also, like my module regulations are also available online, so it saves me a trip to the university just to find it pasted on the notice board. Online search options are enough for me to conveniently locate every type of topics which I’m interested to learn.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

week 3

The teacher taught us the Meyer,s principal today and it was all about how to present using words and pictures in a manner that we are able to create the child's interest in learning what we are teaching and also for him/her to stay focused. The lecture began when she told us about Mayer's theory. She then went into details telling us of the 5 steps involved. Then the Underlying Assumptions which state that we should use both words and pictures to present. Then it was the Limited Capacity Assumption having Intrinsic and Extraneous cognitive load. Active Processing Assumption stating to produce mental model at first which is for the child. The Multimedia Principle, The Spacial Contiguity Principle, Temporal Contiguity Principle, The Coherence Principle, The modality Principle, The Redundancy Principle and the Individual Differences Principle were the topics under discussion for Mayer's Principle. At the end she told us that if using the Mayer's Principle, we would be able to understand why some educational multimedia is more effective than others as it can be used as a guideline and also as a checklist or a test case for your work.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

week 2

During this week i learnt many new useful things in seminar and in the lecture. i got an idea of how to take part in class discussions. Rubica told us about the weekly article to be studied and discussed in the class. i got an idea of how to read and remember what i read. During the lecture i came to know about the behaviourist, constructivist, constructionist and socioculturist theories of learning. With a group i discussd these theories. we dissused that what a good educational software should be like. This activity helped me a lot to start with my course work one.