Tuesday, February 22, 2005

week 3

The teacher taught us the Meyer,s principal today and it was all about how to present using words and pictures in a manner that we are able to create the child's interest in learning what we are teaching and also for him/her to stay focused. The lecture began when she told us about Mayer's theory. She then went into details telling us of the 5 steps involved. Then the Underlying Assumptions which state that we should use both words and pictures to present. Then it was the Limited Capacity Assumption having Intrinsic and Extraneous cognitive load. Active Processing Assumption stating to produce mental model at first which is for the child. The Multimedia Principle, The Spacial Contiguity Principle, Temporal Contiguity Principle, The Coherence Principle, The modality Principle, The Redundancy Principle and the Individual Differences Principle were the topics under discussion for Mayer's Principle. At the end she told us that if using the Mayer's Principle, we would be able to understand why some educational multimedia is more effective than others as it can be used as a guideline and also as a checklist or a test case for your work.


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