Tuesday, April 19, 2005

week 10

Today was the last for this semester. Teacher told the class about the Virtual and mixed reality.
So what is virtual reality? Well, strictly-speaking, we're talking here about Computer-Generated Virtual Reality (CGVR, if you want to impress people). Your mind generates its own "virtual reality"—its own image of the world—all of the time. But, when we talk about VR, we usually mean the computerised version, which is simulated, interactive, three-dimensional, 360-degree reality in which you can "move around."
Mixed Reality is the merging of real world and virtual worlds to produce a new environment where physical and digital objects can co-exist and interact. Probably a specialisation of augmented reality.Journal Question 1:To what extent do you think Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality will be used in education in the future? Answer 1:Virtual Reality can be used to have field tours around the world having to be at the school only. Keen observation techniques could be taught that way. Virtually create different stages to make the student perform and hence any kind of knowledge can be given to the student.
Question 2:What advances need to happen for it to be used in schools?Answer 2:The equipment should be made easily available and cheap. Schools should be given special funds and professionals should be trained to help govern the technology at all the institutions.