Saturday, March 05, 2005

week 5

In this week’s session, Miss Rebecca discussed about Online learning, its resources, advantages and disadvantages and collaborative learning.
Along with learning at the university, I strongly believe that we should make use of some online resources. It’s a common practise in university students to make fruitful use of both resources to enable them to gather more in depth knowledge of their related subjects and surpass new height.

Journal Questions:
1. What do you like to learn online and why or why not? 2.How much do you currently take advantage of online resources to support studying? Answer 1: I prefer using online resources for my learning, rather over books; and I have my reasons for that. For start, online resources are far vast and superior to books. Secondly they’re conveniently available at your fingertips, right from the basic information down to most complex subjects.
I’m not against using printed material for gaining knowledge. But perhaps using online resources saves you a lot of time in searching, or energy for paying a visit to your local or university library. Also ‘a printed resource’ might be available to one reader at one time, while online resources are available for unlimited amount of readers.
Answer 2: Online resources give me flexibility and numerous options in my studies at the university. Like for each lecture, I can find their lecture slides online, and use them even later, for more detailed study, at any nearby computer. Also, like my module regulations are also available online, so it saves me a trip to the university just to find it pasted on the notice board. Online search options are enough for me to conveniently locate every type of topics which I’m interested to learn.